Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sweeter Dreams....are blessings from above!

Here we are in Olivia's room. Right now, she shares it with her twin brother...Quirt. When we first moved here...2 -1/2 years ago...I couldn't wait to start painting their room. I chose a wall mural that cmae out of one of thier pooh book-sets they got as one of their baby shower gifts. We were renting at the time the twins came along...and I never was able to decorate the nursery the way I, low and behold, when it came time....mama got creative with my special talents! A room with a view...designed for my babies, with love and color!

It was beautiful and refreshing....and they loved it, like they were part of the book itself...but now, I'm getting ready to change it all something a bit more princessy now that they are getting their own rooms. Quirt is going in the room next door, which is getting a makeover, Olivia in all her girlish wonderment, now thinks...she needs a new 're-do' as well! So, from Pooh to Princess Frog...the magic is getting ready to be transformed from Pooh's forest friends into the Mystical swamp land of the New Orlean's bayou! LOL! I never thought there'd come a day...when my life would become so ILLUMINATED!

If these walls could talk, from here on out...I can ONLY IMAGINE the transformations to come!

And Quirt? Well, that's a whole different room! Bright, bold and beautiful...just like the character he is! My little-locomotive, fast and ferious kind of guy that he 'truely' is! One 'BIG' & "BOLD" room is getting ready to be added next foor to this one....and CHANGE is in the wind! One Monster truck load at a time! mind is racing already!

So.....Stayed tuned!.....more's yet to be...REVEALED!

Friday, May 7, 2010

'Froggy Wishes' for my sweet-little Olivia

I've been toying around with the whole 'Princess Frog' concept of designing a new ami for my little Olivia! She loves the princess we got her the sheet set for Christmas...which in turn got me thinkin' about the theme of her room in general. What could I do to make it more personalized for her...not just the same old marketing stuff you'd find at the store...but something different and special, like my Olivia!

Well, right off the bat, I thought...I need to crochet a few cool pieces to compliment her bed set....anyone looked lately? I wasn't findin' a thing out there for the 'Princess Frog'. So, I thought....Okay, I'll reconstruct my own then. Well, I started on it....was making great progress, and then boom...I got sick and had to scrap the project for a while. Well, now here we are....a couple months later now, and I'm getting ready to repaint my daughters room...a fresh new fun color and decided to go off of what I started with originally....Purples, greens, and variations of water, sky and lily pads! And so, the 'Princess Frog' project has been revived!

I hope you'll follow me in our newest adventure...of taking Olivia into the land of mystical, magical princess-ship! She's always been a princess, since, why not treat her to a room full of fantasy...where we are allowed to dream in our very own be able to bloom and grow where we are the privacy of our own living quarters...resting in a beautifully inspired room of dream-filled fantasies...full of frogs and wishes...that really can come true...if you believe it, into the fullness of your everyday life!

We welcome join in our magical journey, to a world of rythym & blues, love & laughter, while we enjoy making magic with color and our very own imagination....with dreams of green, purple and blue...on a endless river of winding-wonder!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy spring all! I finally got my pictures downloaded with my all new 'Egg-r-animals' to share with ya'll...

I started with a basic circle base, and ended up with nothing more than a simple egg shape; but the added features were the toppings on my littlest of Easter treats! A bunny, a duck and a big ol' bullfrog, that I designed especially for my sister; who recently had sinus surgery...just wanted to lift her spirits a little here! So out popped my little 'bullforg...benny'! Isn't he just so cute?! How could you resist the urge to fall in love with this mug?! He's bloated and beautiful...makes ya wanna take him home for dinner and make him some good ol' fashioned chicken soup for the soul, til' he's nursed back to perfect health!
They were a fun little project to experiment with...I've got a few more 'egg-r-animals' I'd like to add to this set yet...but for now, with Easter being over...I'm on to spring cleaning already!
And since I've got lots of lily cotton left in my bucket...I'm going to keep workin' on dishcloths, and swiffer shrugs! We gotta a new addition to our family this spring as well; a three-legged red merle healer we named Qunicy....but he's so hairy, we affectionately call him "Hairy Potter"! So, because of all the extra hair, my swiffer is working over-time these days! With the cost of everything going up, up, up...I thought it only fitting to cut some costs, and save the environment for yet another day! And so it goes...the 'hairy saga' begins; hehehe!
Stay tuned for scenes to come! Enjoy your day, like it's your matter the outcome! Blessings to all........

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring has finally sprung!

Wow! What a winter, and then some! If it could of happened, it did! From Thanksgiving on, it seems, I literally had no control over any which part of my own life...period! My girlfirend and her twins moved in with us Thanksgiving weekend, and now here we are...4 months later and it's Easter, with no end in site! It's been rough for sure...2 sets of twins, under the age of 4 running around rampet in my house; it's like I have a mini-daycare situation going on here that I never signed up for! I never wanted to be the next 'Jon & Kate plus 8' saga! I just simply wanted to help out a friend in need.
What I got, was a lot more than what I bargained for, and that's no lie! by Christmas, going into the new year, I was put on medication for all the added stress, that soon developed into a 'heart-problem' due to a bad reaction to the drug. Unaware of all that was taking place, I honestly thought I was really..100%, losing my mind! Thank God for prayer, and the ongoing care of good friends, who pointed me in the right stay with the 'living', of course!
And so it was, that my overall creativity level came to a crashing hault! I was able to put a few 'one-of-kinds' together to share with yas....but not many! And to say the least, it has taken a tole on my loving family as well!
My twins turned 4 last Wednesday....what a moment in history for me! Four years ago, if asked...'where would you be in the next 4 years?', I would never have guessed all this! They're the brightest little lights in my life I could ever expect to see on a daily basis! they keep me 'up, down and all-around' every minute of my 'kid-i-licious' life; and I'm lovin' every minute of it!
When asked if I'd like to turn back time, I replied....'not on your life, or anyone elses', ever! And so it is, 'the life of one boy & one girl, til' death do us part'! And 'oh, how sweet it is'! My little obsession with food, and all that it has to offer us in the way of nutrition and fun, has just grown some more! I love making these cute little vegies and fruits to encourage my 'little ones' to eat 'good-treats', mixed with lots of love from the's where I love to be and grow with them....through the exploration that makes all things 'yummy' in our life!
With the warmer weather now, I am thinking cooking of all kinds....salads of each and every well as grilling out! Oh, how I love to eat the picnic table; and, as well, do my kids! It's just pure 'un-adulterated fun'....time, just escapes us when we're in the great outdoors, don't ya think? Free fun, that can't be obtained any other way, than to witness it first-hand...under a beautiful blanket of fluffy clouds, in a powder blue sky, full of sunkissed warmth on a perfect spring day! Easter, was a sure corwd pleaser at our house this year...full of balloons and presents galore...and food, everywhere! It was like our own little holiday, out-side of all the Easter marketing of candy and eggs...a very happy 'resurrection' celebration indeed!
So, here we are...the day after Easter....coming down from all it's glory, but not without a smile on our face, and love to share with all who seek it's 'spring has finally sprung' slendor! I think it's going to be a great April, full of wonderful showers of continuous gifts of many colors! It'll be sure to keep us coming back for more, especially in May....pretty flowers, tea with mom, and lots of new 'garden wonders'! What's not to love?! all expense paid trip to 'Disney's Wild Kingdom' would be great, right about now! Keep dreamin', kid-i-lious thoughts of fun and surprise await us all, if we 'hope for it' long enough!
Keep on shinin', and don't let life beat ya up to badly...'cause no matter what, 'you matter' to me & Jesus! Enjoy your 'kid-i-licious day'!
Happy Easter to all!